Source code for exovetter.tce

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module to handle Threshold Crossing Event (TCE).

This module constains a `~exovetter.tce.Tce` class, which stores the measured
properties (orbital period, transit depth, etc.) of a proposed transit.

To create model transits from a `~exovetter.tce.Tce`, see the
`exovetter.model` module. For example, you can obtain flux from a boxcar
model using :func:`~exovetter.model.create_box_model_for_tce`.


Define a TCE in BKJD:

>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from exovetter import const as exo_const
>>> from exovetter.model import create_box_model_for_tce
>>> from exovetter.tce import Tce
>>> period = 5.3 *
>>> epoch = 133.4 *
>>> depth = 1 * exo_const.ppm
>>> duration = 24 *
>>> my_tce = Tce(period=period, epoch=epoch, epoch_offset=exo_const.bkjd,
...              depth=depth, duration=duration, comment='test')
>>> my_tce
{'period': <Quantity 5.3 d>,
 'epoch': <Quantity 133.4 d>,
 'epoch_offset': <Quantity -2454833. d>,
 'depth': <Quantity 1.e-06>,
 'duration': <Quantity 24. h>,
 'comment': 'test'}

Retrieve the epoch of the transit in BJD:

>>> epoch_bjd = my_tce.get_epoch(exo_const.bjd)
>>> epoch_bjd
<Quantity 2454966.4 d>

Calculate flux from boxcar model:

>>> times = [134, 135, 136] * u.d
>>> create_box_model_for_tce(my_tce, times, epoch_bjd)
<Quantity [ 0.e+00, -1.e-06,  0.e+00]>

import json
import astropy.units as u
import exovetter.const as exo_const

__all__ = ['Tce']

[docs] class Tce(dict): """Class to handle Threshold Crossing Event (TCE). It inherits from :py:obj:`dict` and defines a list of reserved keywords in ``required_quantities``, which must contain `~astropy.units.Quantity`. Other keys in the dictionary have no restrictions. By requiring that certain measured properties have units attached, it reduces the risk of modeling a transit with data in the wrong units; e.g., entering the transit duration in hours but treating the value as if it is the duration in days. It also allows depth given in parts per million to be used correctly in places that expect depth to be in fractional amplitude. This class also handles the problem with transit times given in different zeropoints. Most transit data has times corrected to the barycentre of the solar system and expressed in the unit of days since some zeropoint. However, there is no agreement on the zeropoint. Some data is given in Julian Date, while other missions choose mission specific zeropoints; e.g., ``t=0`` for Kepler data corresponds to a Barycentric Julian Date (BJD) of 2454833. This problem is addressed here by requiring epoch and period data to be `~astropy.units.Quantity` and by providing a :meth:`~exovetter.tce.Tce.get_epoch` method. Attributes ---------- required_quantities : set Keys in which their values must be `~astropy.units.Quantity`. Raises ------ KeyError Required quantities missing, causing :meth:`~exovetter.tce.Tce.validate` to fail. """ required_quantities = {'depth', 'duration', 'epoch', 'epoch_offset', 'period'} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.validate() def __setitem__(self, key, value): if (key in self.required_quantities and not isinstance(value, u.Quantity)): raise TypeError(f"Special param {key} must be an astropy Quantity") dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
[docs] def get_epoch(self, offset=None): """Get the epoch of the transit in the desired BJD-based time system. The time of first transit of your TCE is stored as a date offset from BJD=0 by an amount given by ``offset`` (e.g., BKJD, TJD). This method converts the time of the first transit to a time offset from the epoch desired. Parameters ---------- offset : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The epoch offset desired. Some pre-defined offsets are available in `exovetter.const`. For example, the time of first transit in `~exovetter.const.bkjd`. Returns ------- epoch : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Epoch of the transit in the desired BJD-based time system. Raises ------ KeyError Calculation failed due to missing keys. """ if 'epoch' not in self or 'epoch_offset' not in self: raise KeyError('epoch and epoch_offset must be defined first') # Puts into bjd epoch = self["epoch"] - self["epoch_offset"] if offset is not None: # Transforms from bjd into desired time system epoch = epoch + offset return epoch
[docs] def validate(self): """Check that required quantities are present. Returns ------- status : bool `True` if validation passes. Raises ------ KeyError Some required quantities are missing. TyperError Some required quantities do not have units attached. """ missing_keys = self.required_quantities - set(self.keys()) if len(missing_keys) != 0: raise KeyError(f'Missing required quantities: {missing_keys}') for key in self.required_quantities: if not isinstance(self[key], u.Quantity): raise TypeError(f"Special param {key} must be an astropy " "Quantity") return True
[docs] def to_json(self, filename): """Write a json file with standard file name Parameters ---------- filename : string Filename to write the json string. Returns ------- tce_json : json formatted string """ tmp = {} for key in self.keys(): if isinstance(self[key], u.Quantity): tmp[key] = self[key].value unit_key = f'{key}_unit' tmp[unit_key] = str(self[key].unit) else: tmp[key] = self[key] tce_json = json.dumps(tmp) if filename is not None: with open(filename, 'w') as fobj: fobj.write(tce_json) return tce_json
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, filename): """Read a json file and populate a TCE object Parameters ---------- filename : string Filename of json file containing tce informamtion Returns ------- None. """ with open(filename, 'r') as fobj: jobj = json.load(fobj) tmp = {} for key in jobj.keys(): if key[-5:] == '_unit': pass else: v = jobj[key] if key + "_unit" in jobj.keys(): unit_str = jobj[key + "_unit"] if unit_str == "": q = exo_const.frac_amp else: q = u.__dict__[unit_str] tmp[key] = v * q else: tmp[key] = v tce = cls(**tmp) return tce