Source code for exovetter.lpp

"""Module to handle Locality Preserving Projections (LPP)."""

# TODO: Replace camelcase and populate API docstrings.
# TODO: Maybe the boat has sailed but maybe some of these functions,
# especially the ones that pass around mapInfo should have been class methods.

from exovetter import lightkurve_utils
import copy
import warnings

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from import download_file, _is_url
from scipy import io as spio

__all__ = ['compute_lpp_Transitmetric', 'runningMedian', 'foldBinLightCurve',
           'computeRawLPPTransitMetric', 'knnDistance_fromKnown',
           'periodNormalLPPTransitMetric', 'lpp_onetransit',
           'lpp_averageIndivTransit', 'plot_lpp_diagnostic', 'Lppdata',

[docs] def compute_lpp_Transitmetric(data, mapInfo): """Take a data class with light curve info and the mapInfo with information about the mapping to use. It then returns a lpp metric value. """ binFlux, binPhase = foldBinLightCurve(data, mapInfo.ntrfr, mapInfo.npts) plot_data = dict() plot_data['bin_flux'] = binFlux plot_data['bin_phase'] = binPhase # Dimensionality Reduction and knn parts rawTLpp, transformedTransit = computeRawLPPTransitMetric(binFlux, mapInfo) # Normalize by Period Dependence normTLpp = periodNormalLPPTransitMetric( rawTLpp, np.array([data.period, data.mes]), mapInfo) plot_data['lpp_transform'] = transformedTransit return normTLpp, rawTLpp, plot_data
[docs] def runningMedian(t, y, dt, runt): """Take a running median of size dt. Return values at times given in runt. """ newy = np.zeros(len(y)) newt = np.zeros(len(y)) srt = np.argsort(t) newt = t[srt] newy = y[srt] runy = [] for i in range(len(runt)): tmp = [] for j in range(len(newt)): if (newt[j] >= (runt[i] - dt)) and (newt[j] <= (runt[i] + dt)): tmp.append(newy[j]) if np.isnan(np.nanmedian(np.array(tmp))): runy.append(0) else: runy.append(np.nanmedian(np.array(tmp))) return list(runt), runy
[docs] def foldBinLightCurve(data, ntrfr, npts): """Fold and bin lightcurve for input to LPP metric calculation. Parameters ---------- data Contains time, tzero, dur, period, mes and flux (centered around zero). ntrfr Number of transit fraction for binning around transit ~1.5. npts Number of points in the final binning. """ # Create a phased light curve phaselc = np.mod((data.time - (data.tzero - 0.5 * data.period)) / data.period, 1) flux = data.flux mes = data.mes # Determine the fraction of the time the planet transits the star. # Insist that ntrfr * transit fraction if ~np.isnan(data.dur) & (data.dur > 0): transit_dur = data.dur else: transit_dur = 0.2 * data.period / 24. transit_fr = transit_dur / 24. / data.period if (transit_fr * ntrfr) > 0.5: transit_fr = 0.5 / ntrfr # Specify the out of transit (a) and the in transit regions binover = 1.3 if mes <= 20: binover = -(1 / 8.0) * mes + 3.8 endfr = .03 midfr = .11 a = np.concatenate((np.arange(endfr, .5 - midfr, 1 / npts), np.arange((0.5 + midfr), (1 - endfr), 1 / npts)), axis=None) ovsamp = 4.0 # bstep=(ovsamp*ntrfr*transit_fr)/npts b_num = 41 b = np.linspace((0.5 - ntrfr * transit_fr), (0.5 + ntrfr * transit_fr), b_num) [runta, runya] = runningMedian(phaselc, flux, binover / npts, a) [runtb, runyb] = runningMedian( phaselc, flux, (binover * ovsamp * ntrfr * transit_fr) / npts, b) # Combine the two sets of bins runymess = np.array(runya + runyb) runtmess = np.array(runta + runtb) srt = np.argsort(runtmess) runy = runymess[srt] runt = runtmess[srt] # Scale the flux by the depth so everything has the same depth. # Catch or dividing by zero is to not scale. scale = -1 * np.min(runyb) if scale != 0: scaledFlux = runy / scale else: scaledFlux = runy binnedFlux = scaledFlux phasebins = runt return binnedFlux, phasebins
[docs] def computeRawLPPTransitMetric(binFlux, mapInfo): """Perform the matrix transformation with LPP. Do the KNN test to get a raw LPP transit metric number. .. note:: This requires ``lpproj`` package. """ # from lpproj import LocalityPreservingProjection Yorig = mapInfo.YmapMapped lpp = LocalityPreservingProjection(n_components=mapInfo.n_dim) lpp.projection_ = mapInfo.YmapM # To equate to Matlab LPP methods, we need to remove mean of transform. # Check if this is correct, YmapMean is an array that is transit shapped normBinFlux = binFlux - mapInfo.YmapMean inputY = lpp.transform(normBinFlux.reshape(1, -1)) knownTransitsY = Yorig[mapInfo.knnGood, :] dist, ind = knnDistance_fromKnown(knownTransitsY, inputY, mapInfo.knn) rawLppTrMetric = np.mean(dist) return rawLppTrMetric, binFlux
[docs] def knnDistance_fromKnown(knownTransits, new, knn): """For a group of known transits and a new one, use KNN to determine how close the new one is to the known transits. .. note:: Using KNN ``minkowski p = 2 ()``. Requires ``scikit-learn``. """ from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors # p=3 sets a minkowski distance of 3. # TODO: Check that you really used 3 for matlab. nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=int(knn), algorithm='kd_tree', p=2) distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(new) return distances, indices
[docs] def periodNormalLPPTransitMetric(rawTLpp, newPerMes, mapInfo): """Normalize the rawTransitMetric value by those with the closest period. This part removes the period dependence of the metric at short periods. Plus, it makes a value near one be the threshold between good and bad. ``newPerMes`` is the ``np.array([period, mes])`` of the new sample. """ knownTrPeriods = mapInfo.mappedPeriods[mapInfo.knnGood] knownTrMes = mapInfo.mappedMes[mapInfo.knnGood] knownTrrawLpp = mapInfo.dymeans[mapInfo.knnGood] nPercentil = mapInfo.nPercentil nPsample = mapInfo.nPsample # Find the those with the nearest periods Npsample-nneighbors logPeriods = np.log10(knownTrPeriods) logMes = np.log10(knownTrMes) knownPerMes = np.stack((logPeriods, logMes), axis=-1) np.shape(knownPerMes) logNew = np.log10(newPerMes).reshape(1, -1) # logNew=np.array([np.log10(newPeriod)]).reshape(1,1) dist, ind = knnDistance_fromKnown(knownPerMes, logNew, nPsample) # Find the nthPercentile of the rawLpp of these indicies nearPeriodLpp = knownTrrawLpp[ind] LppNPercentile = np.percentile(nearPeriodLpp, nPercentil) NormLppTransitMetric = rawTLpp / LppNPercentile return NormLppTransitMetric
[docs] def lpp_onetransit(tcedata, mapInfo, ntransit): """Chop down the full time series to one orbital period. Then gather the lpp value for that one transit. """ startTime = tcedata.time[0] + ntransit * tcedata.period # A few cadences of overlap endTime = tcedata.time[0] + (ntransit + 1) * tcedata.period + 3 / 24.0 want = (tcedata.time >= startTime) & (tcedata.time <= endTime) newtime = tcedata.time[want] newflux = tcedata.flux[want] nExpCad = (tcedata.time[-1] - tcedata.time[0]) / tcedata.period if len(newtime > nExpCad * 0.75): onetransit = copy.deepcopy(tcedata) onetransit.time = newtime onetransit.flux = newflux normTLpp, rawTLpp, transformedTr = compute_lpp_Transitmetric( onetransit, mapInfo) else: normTLpp = np.nan rawTLpp = np.nan return normTLpp, rawTLpp
[docs] def lpp_averageIndivTransit(tcedata, mapInfo): """Create the loop over individual transits and return array normalized lpp values, mean, and std. Input TCE object and mapInfo object. It is unclear that this individual transit approach separates out several new false positives. It probably would require re-tuning for low SNR signals. """ length = tcedata.time[-1] - tcedata.time[0] ntransits = int(np.floor(length / tcedata.period)) lppNorms = np.ones(ntransits) lppRaws = np.ones(ntransits) # nExpCad=(tcedata.time[-1]-tcedata.time[0])/tcedata.period for i in range(ntransits): lppNorms[i], lppRaws[i] = lpp_onetransit(tcedata, mapInfo, i) lppMed = np.nanmedian(lppNorms) lppStd = np.nanstd(lppNorms) return lppNorms, lppMed, lppStd, ntransits
[docs] def plot_lpp_diagnostic(data, target, norm_lpp): """Plot LPP data for diagnostics. .. note:: Requires ``matplotlib``. Parameters ---------- data : dict Contains ``bin_flux`` and ``bin_phase`` for plotting. target : str Contains target name on the plot. norm_lpp : float Normalized LPP transit metric value. Used as string on the top of the plot. Returns ------- fig : obj Matplotlib figure. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt phase = data['bin_phase'] flux = data['bin_flux'] fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax1.plot(phase, flux, 'b.', ms=5, label="LPP Bins") ax1.set_xlabel('Phase') ax1.set_ylabel('Normalized Flux') ax1.set_title(f"LPP Binning for {target}") ax1.legend(loc="best") ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax2.plot(flux, 'k.', ms=5, label=f"LPP Norm = {norm_lpp:5.3f}") ax2.set_xlabel('Bin Number') ax2.legend() fig.tight_layout() plt.draw() return fig
[docs] class Lppdata: """Class to handle LPP data. Parameters ---------- tce : `~exovetter.tce.TCE` TCE object. lc : obj ``lightkurve`` object. """ def __init__(self, tce, lc, lc_name="flux", default_snr=10.): # TODO: Needs a check lightcurve function self.check_tce(tce, default_snr) # FIXME: This looks more correct but fails the test. # from exovetter import const as exo_const # self.tzero = tce.get_epoch( # getattr(exo_const, lc.time_format)).to_value( self.tzero = tce['epoch'].to_value( self.dur = tce['duration'].to_value( self.period = tce['period'].to_value( self.mes = default_snr if 'snr' in tce.keys(): self.mes = tce['snr'] self.time, self.flux, _ = \ lightkurve_utils.unpack_lk_version(lc, lc_name) # make sure flux is zero norm. if np.round(np.median(self.flux)) != 0: self.flux = self.flux - np.median(self.flux)
[docs] def check_tce(self, tce, default_snr): """Validate TCE.""" if 'period' not in tce.keys(): raise KeyError('Period required for the TCE to run LPP.') if 'snr' not in tce.keys(): warnings.warn('LPP requires a MES or SNR value stored as snr ' f'in the tce. Using a value of {default_snr}.')
[docs] class Loadmap: """Class to handle map info parsing. Read in MATLAB blob. Use the DV trained one by default. .. note:: Requires ``scipy``. Parameters ---------- filename : str or `None` Full path to a LPP ``.mat`` file. If not provided, a built-in default is used. If URL is provided, it will be cached using :ref:`astropy:utils-data` """ builtin_mat = '' # noqa def __init__(self, filename=None): if filename is None: filename = self.builtin_mat if _is_url(filename): self.filename = download_file(filename, cache=True) else: self.filename = filename mat = spio.loadmat(self.filename, matlab_compatible=True) # Pull out the information we need. # FIXME: No mapInfoDV nor commented stuff below in SourceForge version key = 'mapInfoDV' # key = 'map' self.n_dim = mat[key]['nDim'][0][0][0][0] self.Ymap = mat[key]['Ymap'][0][0][0][0] self.YmapMapping = self.Ymap['mapping'] self.YmapMean = self.YmapMapping['mean'][0][0][0] self.YmapM = self.YmapMapping['M'][0][0] self.YmapMapped = self.Ymap['mapped'] self.knn = mat[key]['knn'][0][0][0][0] self.knnGood = mat[key]['knnGood'][0][0][:, 0] self.mappedPeriods = mat[key]['periods'][0][0][0] self.mappedMes = mat[key]['mes'][0][0][0] self.nPsample = mat[key]['nPsample'][0][0][0][0] # number to sample # noqa: E501 self.nPercentil = mat[key]['npercentilTM'][0][0][0][0] self.dymeans = mat[key]['dymean'][0][0][0] self.ntrfr = 2.0 self.npts = 80.0