
exovetter requires the following packages on install:

  • numpy

  • astropy

  • scipy

We also recommend you have the following packages install to access all the functionality that exovetter provides:

  • matplotlib

  • scikit-learn

  • lightkurve

  • lpproj

Install the Stable Version


Do not use the released version yet. This package is still in heavy development. See Install the Development Version instead.

To install the released version from PyPI:

pip install exovetter[all]

Install the Development Version

First, clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone

Then, in the source directory, do the following to install it as an “editable” install, along with all the dependencies:

pip install -e .[test,docs,all]


To see whether your installation is successful, you can try to import the package in a Python session:

>>> import exovetter